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State Reporting Issues Remain a Significant AP Concern

We have received several questions of late regarding recent changes in state reporting laws, and what we can do to help. To that end not only does our subscription service answer whatever state reporting questions you may have, but we also do have a guide that can help.

This Filing and State Reporting Guide addresses the constant changes in state reporting laws as a dramatically updated and revised yearly product that will go on sale late in November/early December of this year and will contain comprehensive information on state reporting  - from information related to the IRS Combined Federal State Program to those states that do not participate, as well as unclaimed property, state worker classification laws, and more.

In fact, and based upon what we have seen so far this year regarding significant changes in state reporting laws, there will be at least sixty such changes singled out and explored in this year's edition as well as the reporting thresholds for the most commonly filed state forms 1099 in our exclusive State Reporting Form and Threshold Chart. Furthermore, we will include additional information on new hire reporting, independent contractors, and industry specific issues for different states. As such, if state reporting is a concern for you then you will find what you need in the upcoming Filing and State Reporting Guide.

Finally, please note that the current 2012 Compliance Guide and Non Resident Alien Supplement will only be on sale for two more weeks, see here for more on what our top selling compliance products contain.